یکشنبه ۳ دی ۱۴۰۲ -
رزومه فارسی د.میرمحمدصادقی
مشخصات فردی:
نام خانوادگی: میرمحمدصادقی
نام: سید جواد
تخصص: عمران - پایش سلامت-مدیریت نت-هوش مصنوعی-مدیریت بهره وری
رتبه علمی: استاد
تلفن داخلی: ۳۵۲۱
تاریخ تولد: ۱۳۴۲
Email: Javad_Sadeghiiust.ac.ir
ReseaecherID Profile: Javad M. Sadeghi
ORCid Profile: Javad M. Sadeghi
Google Scholar Profile : Javad M. Sadeghi
سوابق آموزشی:
الف) تحصیلات دانشگاهی:
- دکترای مهندسی راه آهن از دانشگاه ولنگونگ استرالیا در سال ۱۳۷۸
- فوق لیسانس مهندسی راه آهن از دانشگاه ولنگونگ استرالیا در سال ۱۳۷۳
- لیسانس مهندسی عمران از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان در سال ۱۳۷۰
سوابق شغلی:
- استاد تمام دانشکده مهندسی راه آهن
-رئیس مرکز آموزش الکترونیک دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
- مدیر امور پژوهش دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
- ریاست دانشکده از سال ۱۳۸۶-۱۳۸۸
سوایق تدریس دانشگاهی:
-دانشگاه ولونگونگ استرالیا ۱۹۹۷-۱۹۹۹
-دانشگاه صنعنی اصفهان ۱۳۷۸-۱۳۸۱
-دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران ۱۳۸۱-تاکنون
Javad M. Sadeghi
Professor of Civil Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Hengam St., Tehran, IRAN Phone: + ۹۸- ۲۱ -۷۷ ۲۰۹۰۳۶ Cell: ۰۹۱۳۳۱۴۹۷۶۹ Email: Javad_Sadeghiiust.ac.ir
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=X۰faTVMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, ۱۹۹۷, Wollongong University (UW), Australia
Master of Engineering (Honors) in Civil Engineering, ۱۹۹۳, Wollongong University (UW), Australia
Bachelor of engineering in Civil Eng., ۱۹۹۰, Isfahan University of Technology Iran (IUT)
Educational Awards:
Best postgraduate student: Awarded Peter Schmidt Memorial Scholarship for the best post Graduate Student, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, ۱۹۹۷
Achieving the first rank in ME and PhD; Award granted by the director of scholarship, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran , ۱۹۹۳
Achieving the second rank among all BE graduates, Isfahan University of Technology, Awarded by the Chancellor of IUT, ۱۹۸۹
Appeared in the list of top ۲% of the best scientist/researcher of the world ( Based on six science/research indexes including the number of citations, H-Index, HM-Index (Data from Scopus, prepared and released by Stanford University, University of New-mexico and Elsevier) )
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۲۰ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
Awarded a prize by the Chancellor of IUST for achieving the first rank in IUST based on the amount of funds (industrial grant) obtained in ۲۰۱۹.
The best research of the year in the University of Science and Technology (IUST) in ۲۰۱۹.
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۶ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۵ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۴ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۳ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۲ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۱ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۱۰ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۰۹ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۰۸ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best researcher of the year ۲۰۰۷ in the School of Railway Engineering, IUST, awarded by the Chancellor of IUST
The best author of the year in the third national book celebratory, AUT, Iran, ۲۰۰۷
The Head, Committee No. ۱۵, Iran’s National Building Regulations, Ministry of Road and Housing, IRAN
Member of Committee Nos. ۵ and ۸, USA Railway Standards, AREMA
Member of American Railway Engineering and Maintenance–of-way Association
Member of institution of Engineers Australia, (MIEAust)
Member of American Society for Experimental Mechanics Ins. (MSEM)
Member of Rail Track Association of Australia (MRTAA)
ACEDEMIC Positions
Professor of Civil Engineering, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, (۲۰۱۲-Present)
The Head, Institute of New Technologies in Railway Transportation system, Iran University of Science and technology (۲۰۱۳)
The Head, Center of E-Learning Education,, Iran University of Science and Technology, IRAN (۲۰۱۲-۲۰۱۴)
Director of Research Affairs, Iran University of Science and Technology ( ۲۰۰۸-۲۰۱۲)
The Head, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology ( ۲۰۰۷-۲۰۰۹)
۶۹ large research projects carried out between ۲۰۰۲-۲۰۲۳; Grant equalent to ۶ million USD
The first rank in the IUST for extensive and comprehensive collaboration with industries based on the number of research grated projects (۲۰۱۹)
Outcomes of the industrial projects:
۱- Six nationally registered patents including:
Railway fastening clip testing Machine (registered and approved by Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, I.R.IRAN)
Optimized railway track sleepers for heavy haul systems (registered and approved by Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, I.R.IRAN)
Iranian Track Maintenance Management System (ITMS), (registered and approved by Vice-President for Technology (I.R.IRAN))
Iranian Urban Pavement Maintenance Management System (UPMS), (registered and approved by Vice-President for Technology (I.R. IRAN))
Iranian Urban Pavement Operation System, (registered and approved by Vice-President for Technology (I.R. IRAN))
۲- Solving Major International and National Problems:
Development of Protection methods of the monumental buildings (۳۳-Arc Historical bridge and M-Charbagh Historical School) adjacent to the Isfahan metro Line ۱, Department of cultural heritage, tourism, handcrafts Organization, IRAN
Identification of the causes of foundation settlements in the shores and standards for suitable remediation methods, Mahshar Industrial Zone Organization.
۳- Development of Iranian National Codes of Practices (Iranian Standards) including:
Iranian National Code No. ۱۰۳ entitled General Specifications for Conventional railway track systems”, Leaflet No. ۳۰۱, Management and Planning Org. Pub. Service, Tehran, Iran.
Iranian Standard for Design of Railway Track Ballasted Track, Code No. ۷, Ministry of Road and Housing. IRAN.
Revised version of Iranian National Code No. ۲۸۸ entitled: “Railway Track Geometry Design”, Leaflet No. ۲۸۸, Management and Planning Org. Pub. Service, Tehran, Iran.
Design codes of practice for concrete sleepers in railway crossing and turn-outs”, Transportation Research Institute, Ministry of Road and Housing, Iran
۴- Development and Establishment of Maintenance Management System in various industries including:
Continuous health monitoring system for infrastructures in mahshahr Petrochemical speciial economic Zone,, Mahshahr Petrochemical Industrial Zone Organization.
Railway track integrated maintenance management system, Transportation Research Institute, Ministry of Road and Housing, I.R. Iran.
Intelligent Maintenance Management System for Tehran structure and sub-structure, Tehran Information and statistics Technology Organization, Tehran Municipality, IRAN
Tehran Road Repair and Maintenance Management System, Tehran Information and statistics Technology Organization, Tehran Municipality, IRAN
۵- Awards for the best quality industrial research, including
Award by the Mayer of Isfahan for the best quality research in the field of PMS (۲۰۰۳)
Award by the Mayer of Yazd for the best quality research in the field of urban development (۲۰۰۵)
۶- More than ۱۰۰ refereed technical papers;
Editor in-Chief
Journal of Transportation Technology,
Proceeding of The Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, ICRARE ۲۰۰۹, Held at IUST
Member of Editorial Board:
Journal of Transportation Research, College of research Ministry of Road and Transportation,
Journal of Transportation Technology, Deputy of Research and Education, MRT
International Journal of Transportation Engineering,
International journal of Infra-structures in Transportation
Sadeghi , J., (۲۰۱۹), “Fundamentals of analysis and design of railway concrete slab track,” IUST publication Service, Tehran, Iran.
Sadeghi , J., (۲۰۱۵), “Fundamentals of Railway Track Testing Methods”, IUST publication Service, Tehran, Iran
Sadeghi , J., (۲۰۱۲), “Fundamentals of Railway Track Geometry Design”, IUST publication Service, Tehran, Iran.
Sadeghi , J., (۲۰۱۲), “Recent Advances in Analysis and Design of Railway Track system”, Chapter ۳, Reliability and Safety in Railway, In-Tech Publication, Open Access source; In English
Sadeghi J. (۲۰۰۶), “General Specifications for Conventional railway track systems”, Leaflet No. ۳۰۱, Management and Planning Org. Pub. Service, Tehran, Iran.]
Sadeghi , J., (۲۰۰۸), “Fundamentals of analysis and design of railway ballasted track,” IUST publication Service, Tehran, Iran.
Selected as the best book of the year (in the Field of Engineering and Applied Science) in The Third National Book Celebration, Held in Iran, Amirkabir University, February ۲۰۰۹
More than ۱۰۰ peer reviewed papers.
The most recent papers in ۲۰۲۳ (current year):
Propagation of structure-borne noise in building adjacent to subway lines
J Sadeghi, M Vasheghani, A Khajehdezfuly
Construction and Building Materials ۴۰۱, ۱۳۲۷۶۵
Utilizing halloysite nanotube to enhance the properties of cement mortar subjected to freeze-thaw cycles
Y Rashidi, AH Korayem, S Farsi, J Sadeghi
Journal of Building Engineering ۷۵, ۱۰۶۸۳۲
Assessment of vibrations caused by simultaneous passage of road and railway vehicles
A Khajehdezfuly, AA Shiraz, J Sadeghi
Applied Acoustics ۲۱۱, ۱۰۹۵۱۰
Investigation on optimum lengths of railway clothoid transition curves based on passenger ride comfort
J Sadeghi, S Rabiee, P Felekari, A Khajehdezfuly
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …
Behavior of sand-contaminated ballast reinforced with geogrid under cyclic loading
J Sadeghi, ART Kian, A Khanmoradi, M Chopani
Construction and Building Materials ۳۶۲, ۱۲۹۶۵۴
Modal based method to predict subway train-induced vibration in buildings
MV Farahani, J Sadeghi, SG Jahromi, MM Sahebi
Structures ۴۷, ۵۵۷-۵۷۲
Effectiveness of grouted layer in the mitigation of subway-induced vibrations
J Sadeghi, E Haghighi, M Esmaeili
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …
Form ۲۰۰۰ to ۲۰۲۰:
۶۹ Technical Reports on research granted projects published at IUST and submitted to the industries.