رزومه استاد محمدنژاد |
1-مشخصات فردی: | نام خانوادگی: محمدنژاد | نام: شهرام | تخصص: برق - الکترونیک | رتبه علمی: استاد | تلفن: 2600-2602 | ایمیل: shahramm(At)iust.ac.ir | 2- دانشگاههای محل تحصیل : • دکترای تخصصی الکترونیک لیزر دانشگاه شیزوکای ژاپن ، سال اخذ 1993 • فوق لیسانس مهندسی برق – الکترونیک دانشگاه شیزوکای ژاپن ، سال اخذ 1990 • لیسانس مهندسی برق دانشگاه هوستون آمریکا ، سال اخذ 1980 | 3- زمینههای تخصصی آموزشی و تحقیقاتی : ● الکترونیک، ● اپتوالکترونیک و لیزر، ● کوانتوم الکترونیک، ● نانوالکترونیک و نیمهرساناها | 4- دروس ارائه شده : ● الکترونیک I ● فیزیک الکترونیک ● الکترونیک نوری I ● الکترونیک نوری II ● کوانتوم الکترونیک I ● کوانتوم الکترونیک II ● تئوری و تکنولوژی ساخت ● نانوالکترونیک I ● نانوالکترونیک II ●سلولهای خورشیدی | 5- پروژههای تحقیقاتی و صنعتی : ● طراحی و ساخت نمونه آزمایشگاهی آشکارساز ماوراء بنفش مبتنی برSiC -ZnO (1390) ● طراحی و ساخت نمونه آزمایشگاهی سلول خورشیدیGaAs (1390) ● بررسی ، تحلیل ، طراحی، شبیهسازی ، امکان سنجی ساخت، تجمیع، تست و تحویل نمونهی آزمایشگاهی حسگر ستاره ماهواره نمونه (1390) ● طراحی، ساخت و استخراج مختصات فیلم لایه نازک اکسید تیتانیم حاوی نانوذرات نقره (1389) ● طراحی و شبیه سازی فیبر جبران ساز پاشیدگی کریستال نوری مبتنی بر ساختارهایی با تلفات اتصال بهینه (1389) ● مطالعه، بررسی دقیق، تبیین و ارائه پیشنهاد پروژه ملی مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس (1388) ● اندازهگیری ارتقاع از سطح آب با پرتو لیزر سال 87-88 ● طراحی و شبیهسازی جستجوگر لیزری بر مبنای تئوری ICA سال 87-88 ● امکان سنجی ساخت و انجام عملیات شبیهسازی فرایند ساخت پارامترهای اپتیکی و الکترونیکی آشکارساز نوری UV سال 87-88 ● طراحی و ساخت شبیه ساز جستجوگر رتیکلی UV-IR به منظور تست پارمترهای یک جستجوگر رتیکلی (1387) ● امکان سنجی ساخت و انجام عملیات شبیه سازی فرایند ساخت، پارامترهای اپتیکی و الکترونیکی آشکارساز نوری UV ● جستجوگر رتیکلی با آشکار سازی دوگانه (1387) ● طراحی و شبیه سازی فیبرهای کریستال نوری با ساختار چندگانه و مبتنی بر شکاف باند (1387) ● طراحی و ساخت بخش الکترونیک سرعت سنج لیزری با استفاده از زمان پرواز (1387) ● طراحی و شبیه سازی لیزرهای مود قفل شده با استفاده از موجبرهای کریستال نوری (1387) ● طراحی و شبیه سازی آشکارسازهای فرابنفش بر مبنای ZnO با بهبود بازدهی کوتنتومی و جریان تاریک (1387) ● طراحی و ساخت بخشهای کنترلی شبیه ساز جستجوگر رتیکلیUV-IR (1387) ● طراحی و شبیه سازی جستجوگر رتیکلی بر مبنای تئوری ICA با قابلیت تشخیص چند منبعی (1387) ● جدا سازی هدف های واقعی از کاذب با ساتفاده از الگوریتم تخمین IF و FLFMT در سیستمهای رتیکلی سال 86-87 ● طراحی مفهومی، شبیهسازی و امکان سنجی جستجوگر رتیکلی مادون قرمز UV-IR سال 85-86 ● تدوین طرح جامع تحقیقات شبکه، سیستمها و قطعات مخابرات نوری سال 85-86 ● تحلیل عددی لیزر کریستال نوری دو بعدی چاه کوانتومی InGaAsP/InP با روش FDTD سال 85-86 ● طراحی و شبیهسازی ردیاب پرتولیزری با استفاده از آشکارسازهای LEP سال 84-85 ● تحقیق، مطالعه، طراحی و ساخت شبیهساز جستجوگر رتیکلی UV-IR به منظور تست پرامترهای جستجوگر رتیکلی UV-IR سال 84-85 ● طراحی و ساخت نمونه نیمهصنعتی سرعت سنج لیزری بر مبنای روش TOF سال 83-85 ● طراح و ساخت و نمونه نیمه صنعتی سرعت سنج و فاصله یاب لیزری سال 84-85 ● تدوین راهبرد و برنامه پژوهشگاه ارتباطات و فناوری اطلاعات سال 84-85 ● راهاندازی و تجهیز آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی الکترونیک نوری و لیزر سال 82-84 ● طراحی و ساخت بخشهای الکترونیک سرعت سنج لیزری سال 83-84 ● بررسی همه جانبه وضعیت و تعیین اولویت های تحقیقاتی کشور در زمینه الکترونیک (82-83) | 6- مقالات مجلات : ● Zahra Alaie, Shahram Mohammad Nejad, Mohammad Hasan Yousefi, "Array of ZnO nanoparticle-sensitized ZnO nanorods for UV photodetection"" Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2014) 25:852–856 DOI 10.1007/s10854-013-1656-6
●Shahram Mohammadnejad, Mahyar Dehdast, and Ali Bahrami, "Optimized DBR-Based Back Reflector for Silicon Solar Cells" TRANSACTION SERIES ON ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES (TSEST), January 15, 2014
●M. Taherkhani and S. Mohammadnejad, “Degenerate entangled photon pairs source based on PPLN waveguide for quantum computation,” Opt. Quantum Electron., vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1167–1177, Jul. 2013. ●Z. Alaie, S. Mohammad Nejad, and M. H. Yousefi, “Array of ZnO nanoparticle-sensitized ZnO nanorods for UV photodetection,” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 852–856, Dec. 2013. ●S. M. Nejad, A. B. Madineh, and M. Nasiri, “Baffle design and evaluation of the effect of different parameters on its performance,” Opt. - Int. J. Light Electron Opt., vol. 124, no. 23, pp. 6480–6484, Dec. 2013. ●A. Bahrami, S. Mohammadnejad, N. J. Abkenar, and S. Soleimaninezhad, “Optimized Single and Double Layer Antireflection Coatings for GaAs Solar Cells,” vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–5, 2013. ●A. L. I. Bahrami, S. Mohammadnejad, and N. J. Abkenar, “A 650 nm design for multilayer anti-reflection coating in GaAs solar cells,” vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 960–965, 2013. ●Sh. Mohammadnejad, N Jouyandeh Abkenar" and A Bahrami Normal distribution profile for doping concentrationin multilayer tunnel junctioOptical and Quantum Electronicsn. 2013. ●Sh. Mohammadnejad, Mehdi Nasiri sarvi, Sobhan Roshani, Saeed Roshani Optimized Single and Double Layer Antireflection Coatings for GaAs Solar Cells INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH Ali Bahrami et al., Vol.3, No.1, 2013 ●S. Mohammadnejad, N. Jouyandeh Abkenar, and a. Bahrami, “DBL model for GaAs-based solar cells in different outdoor conditions,” Indian J. Phys., vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 971–976, May 2013. ●S. Mohammadnejad, N. Jouyandeh Abkenar, and A. Bahrami, “Normal distribution profile for doping concentration in multilayer tunnel junction,” Opt. Quantum Electron., vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 873–884, May 2013. ●Masoomeh Taherkhani • Shahram Mohammadnejad, "Degenerate entangled photon pairs source based on PPLN waveguide for quantum computation" Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013, Opt Quant Electron, DOI 10.1007/s11082-013-9733-x ●S. Mohammadnejad, M. Dehdast, and A. Bahrami, “Optimized DBR-Based Back Reflector for Silicon Solar Cells,” no. 1, pp. 2–5. ●S. Mohammadnejad, M. Dehdast, and A. Salmanpour, “The Second Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics Design and simulation of broadband multi-layered reflection diffraction grating for using in the silicon solar cells,” 2014. ●P. Taylor, E. Rahimi, and S. M. Nejad, “Molecular Physics : An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics Radius of effect in molecular quantum-dot cellular automata,” no. May, pp. 37–41, 2013. ●A.Bahrami, Sh. Mohammadnejad, S. Soleimanizade"Photovoltaic cells technology:principals and recent developments" Optical and quantum electronics,19 August 2012 ●E .Rahimi, Sh. Mohammadnejad, "Quasi-classical modeling of molecular quantum-dot cellular automata multidriver gates" Naoscale Research Letters, 2012, 7:724 ● S. Mohammadnejad, S. Bazmara, M. H. Hajgholam," Enhancement of TiO2 Thin Film UV Detectors by Study of Electromagnetic Effects of Silver Nanoparticles", Advanced Material Research, pp 1450-1454, Feburary 2012 ●S. Mohammadnejad, M. Nasiri, S. Roshani,"Gain and Offset fixed Pattern Noise Correction Method in CCD Sensors", International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 6(3):31-35, 2012 ●P. Khademi, Sh. Mohammadnejad,"The Switching Behavior of a BDTSingle Molecular in different Electrical Fields", International of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3(1), March 2012 ●MASOOMEH TAHERKHANI 1 andHAHRAM MOHAMMAD NEJAD Polarization-Dependent Mode Analyzer and Crolled-Z Gate in Ti:LiNbO3 QuantumPhotonic Circuits. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 31:355–368, 2012 ●Sh. Mohammadnejad, Mehdi Nasiri sarvi, Sobhan Roshani, Saeed Roshani A Novel Fixed Pattern Noise Reduction Technique in Image Sensors for Satellite Applications. Journal manager Scientific & Academic Publishing (http://www.sapub.org/), USA.2012 ●Sh. Mohammadnejad1, Mehdi Nasiri sarvi1, Sobhan Roshani2, Saeed Roshani2 A Novel Fixed Pattern Noise Reduction Technique in Image Sensors for Satellite Applications Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2012, 2(5): 271-276 DOI: 10.5923/j.eee.20120205.05 .2012 ● A. Bahrami, S. Mohammadnejad, A. Rostami, “All-Optical Multimode interference switch using nonlinear directional coupler as a passive phase shifter,” Fiber and Integrated Optics 30 (2011) 139–150. ● S. Salemian, S. Mohammadnejad, “Design and implementation of polarization filter for quantum states discriminator in optical quantum communication,” Optik 122 (2011) 349–354. ●S. Salemian, S. Mohammadnejad, “An error-free protocol for quantum entanglement distribution in long-distance quantum communication,” Chinese Science Bulletin , Vol. 56, No.7, pp. 618-625, Mar 2011. ●P. Khademi, Sh. Mohammadnejad,"Switching time of benzene dithiol type molecular devices", International of Scientific & Engineering Research, May 2011,2(5) ● H. Simchi, M. Raastgoo, A. Ranjbar, T. Barzekar, M. Qasempour, M. Daaraei, E. Mahmoodzadeh, M.H. Saani, Sh. Mohammadnejad, “Ar+ ion milling of InSb for manufacturing single electron devices,” Infrared Physics & Technology 52 (2009) 113–118 ●S.Salemian, S.Mohammad Nejad, “QUANTUM STATE SWAPPING IN OPTICAL QUANTUM COMMUNICATION USING MACH–ZEHNDER INTERFEROMETER”, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 35, Number 1A, Paper Accepted October 1, 2009. ●K. Fasihi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “Orthogonal Hybrid Waveguides: An Approach to Low Crosstalk and Wideband Photonic Crystal Intersections Design ”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 2009. ● S.Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaeei, "Unified Pulse Laser Range Finder and Velocimeter Using Ultra-Fast Time-To-Digital Converter ", Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electonic Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2 , pp. 112-121, 2009 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahayabadi " Prediction of Photonic Crystal Fiber Characteristics by Neuro-Fuzzy Systems ," Optics Communications 04 jun 2009 ●H.Simchi,M.Raastgoo A.Ranjbar, Sh.Mohammadnejad S.Mohammad Nejad, " ion milling of Insb for manufacturing single electron devise Infrared physics & Technology PP 113-118 . 22April 2009 ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahayabadi. " Design of Ultra-low and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion Single Mode Photonic Crystal Fiber by DE/EDA Algorithm" Journal of Modern Optics pp. 1348-1357 No.12 Vol.56 17 March 2009 ●M. Pourmahayabadi and S.Mohammad Nejad, " Advanced design and optimization of single mode photonic crystal fibers . Journal of Modern Optics . pp. 1572 – 1581. Vol. 56 , No. 14 , August 2009 ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahayabadi , " Numerical Analysis of Index-Guiding photonic Crystal Fibers With Low Confinement Loss and Ultra- Flattened Dispersion By FDFD Method , Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering PP. 170-179 , Vol.5 , No.3 , 2009 ●S.Mohammad Nejad and Kiazand Fasihi , " Highly efficient Channel-drop filter with a coupled cavity-based wavelength-selective reflection feedback, The Interenational Electronic Jounal of Optics , PP. 8983-8997 , Vol.17 , No.11 25 May 2009 ●S.Mohammad Nejadand Saeed Olyaee, " Unified Pulsed Laser Range Finder and Velocimeter Using Ultra-Fast Time-To-Digital Converter Iranian Journal of Electrical&Electronic Enginering, Irand University of Seience & Technology, PP. 112-121 Vol.5, No.2 June 2009 ●S.Mohammad Nejad, Kiaznad Fasihi and S. Olyaee,."Modified Phase-Shift Measurement Technique to Improve Laser-Range Finder Performance", Journal of Applied Sciences. Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 316-321, 2008. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and K.Fasihi , " Orthogonal Hybrid Waveguides: An Approach to Low Crosstalk and Wideband Photonic Crystal Intersections Design ," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lighwave Technology , PP. 799-805, Vol.27 No.6, 2008 ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaeei, "Low Noise High-Frequency Top Laser Range Finder", American Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 7 , pp. 755-762, 2008 . ●Shahram Mohammad Nejad and S. Salemian, "Quantum Entanglement Implementation Using Interferometric Electo-Optic Modulator and Coupled Mode Theory ", Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 743-752, 2008 . ●Shahram Mohammad Nejad and S. Salemian, "Quantum Hadamard Gate Implementation Using Planar Lightwave Circuit and Photonic Crystal Structure", American Journal of Applied Science, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 1071-1078, 2008 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and Mahyabadi and S. Olyaeei , "Optimal Dark Current Reduction In Quantum Well 9 um GaAs/AIGaAs Infrared Photodetectros with Improved Detectivity ", American Journal of Applied Science, Vol.5, No. 8, pp. 1071-1078, 2008 . ●S.Olyaee and S. Mohammad Nejad, "Nonlinearity and Frequency-Path Modeling of Three- Longitudinal-Mode Nanometric Displacement Measurement System" , IET(IEE) Optoelectronics-electronic. Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 211-220, 2007. ●S. Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaee , " Low Noise High-Freqency TOF Laser Range Finder , American Journal of Applied Science , pp. 755-762, Vol.5 2007 ● S. Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaee , " Stabilization of Laser Frequency Based on the Combination of Frequenc Locking and Power Balance Methods , " , Journal of Applied Sciences, PP. 3965-3970 Vol.7 , No.24 , December 2007 ●S. Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaee , " Nonlinearityand and Frequency-Path Modeling of Three-Longitudinal-Mode Nanometric Displacement Measurement System , Journal of IET (IEE) Opto-electronic , pp. 211-220 Vol. 1 No. 5 2007 ●S.Mohammad Nejad and Saeed Olyaee , " Desing and Simulation of Velocity and Displacement Measurement System With Subnanometer Uncertainty Based on a New Stabilized Laser Doppler-Interferometer , Arabian Journal For Sclence & Engineering , PP. 90-99 , Vol. 32 December 2007 ●S. Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, "Characterization of Elliptically Polarized Light and Rotation Angle of PBS in the Three-Longitudinal-Mode Laser Interferometer Using the Jones Matrices", Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol .7, No. 19, pp. 2806-2811, 2007. ● S. Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, "Design and simulation of velocity and displacement measurement system with subnanometer uncertainty based on a new stabilized laser Doppler-nterferometer", The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 2C, pp. 89-99, 2007. S. Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, "Design, Modeling, and Simulation of a New Laser Nano-Displacement Measurement System", Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Submitted on July 2007 Vol.3 NOS. 3 & 4. ● S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahayabadi and A.Lajevardizadeh , " Performance Modeling of Ring Laser Gyro in Inertial Navigation System , Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering , PP. 82-9 Vol.2 No.3 July 2006 ● S.Mohammad Nejad and M. Pourmahyabadi and A.Lajevardizad"Design, "Design, Modeling, and Simulation of a New Laser Nano-Displacement Measurement System", Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Submitted on July 2006 Vol.2 NOS. 3 & 4. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaee, "Design, Simulation, and Implementation of a High Accuracy Time-Of-Flight Laser Range Finder for 0.30-20 km Distances and Repetition Rate of 1-20 Hz", International Journal of Engineering Science, Submitted on October 30, 2006. ●Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaee. 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Yousefi, “Array of ZnO nanoparticle-sensitized ZnOnanorods for UV photodetection,” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron., vol.25, no. 2, pp. 852–856, Dec. 2013. • S. M. Nejad, A. B. Madineh, and M. Nasiri, “Baffle design andevaluation of the effect of different parameters on its performance,” Opt. -Int. J. Light Electron Opt., vol. 124, no. 23, pp. 6480–6484, Dec. 2013.
• A. Bahrami, S. Mohammadnejad, N. J. Abkenar, and S.Soleimaninezhad, “Optimized Single and Double Layer Antireflection Coatings forGaAs Solar Cells,” vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–5, 2013. • A. L. I. Bahrami, S. Mohammadnejad, and N. J. Abkenar, “A 650nm design for multilayer anti-reflection coating in GaAs solar cells,” vol. 15,no. 9, pp. 960–965, 2013. • S. Mohammadnejad, N. Jouyandeh Abkenar, and a. Bahrami, “DBLmodel for GaAs-based solar cells in different outdoor conditions,” Indian J.Phys., vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 971–976, May 2013. • S. Mohammadnejad, N. Jouyandeh Abkenar, and A. Bahrami, “Normaldistribution profile for doping concentration in multilayer tunnel .junction,” Opt.Quantum Electron., vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 873–884, May 2013. • S. Mohammadnejad, M. Dehdast, and A. Bahrami, “OptimizedDBR-Based Back Reflector for Silicon Solar Cells,” no. 1, pp. 2–5 • P. Taylor, E. Rahimi, and S. M. Nejad, “Molecular Physics : An International Journal at the Interface Between.Chemistryand Physics Radius of effect in molecular quantum-dot cellular automata,” no.May, pp. 37–41, 2013 • G. P. D. Company-iran, G. P. D. Company-iran, and G. P. D.Company-iran, “22 nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Paper1108 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION A NEW MODEL FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 22 ndInternational Conference on Electricity Distribution Multiple ObjectiveDecision Making ( MODM ) First step : Hierarchy production,” no. 1108, pp. 10–13, 2013 • M. Taherkhani and S. Mohammadnejad, “Degenerate entangled photonpairs source based on PPLN waveguide for quantum computation,” Opt. QuantumElectron., vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1167–1177, Jul. 2013
| 7- مقالات کنفرانس : ●Sh. Mohammadnejad, M. Dehdast , and A. Salmanpour, "Design and simulation of broadband multi-layered, reflection diffraction grating for using in the silicon solar cells" The Second Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics (ICEEM 2014), Jan. 8-9, 2014 ●Shahram Mohammadnejad1, Iman Beiranvand1, Ali Bahrami1 "The Role of Bose–Einstein Integral to calculate the Efficiency of Quantum Dot Solar Cells" 5th Iranian Conference on Applied Mathematics September 2-4, 2013 Bu-Ali Sina University ●Aryan SALMANPOUR, Shahram MOHAMMADNEJAD, Ebrahim JAMADI, Mohammad.E HONARMAND, "DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION A NEW MODEL FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF MEDIUM VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS"22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013, Paper 1108 ●Shahram Mohammadnejad, Iman Beiranvand, Ali Bahrami , "Investigation of Effective Parameters on the Performance of Hot Carrier Solar Cells" Fifth applied mathematics conferrenc, Abo Ali Sina Univ. Hamadan, 18 shahriv. 1392 ●M. Taherkhani, Sh. Mohammadnejad," Mode ana;lyzer and modal phase-philip gate for integrated photonic circuits" 8 th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Jul. 2012 ●M. Aliramezanii, Sh. Mohammadnejad, R. Ghiasi Farahani, "Using Eliptic Air-Holes in a photonic Crystal Fiber to Obtain Ultra-Flattend Dispersion and Ultra-Low Confinement Loss" 20th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, tehran, 2012 ● M. Taherkhani, Sh. Mohammadnejad, "Design and implimentation od polarization qubit disciminator in integrated photonic quantum gates" 20th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, tehran, 2012 ●S. Salemian, S. Mohammadnejad, “An error-free protocol for quantum entanglement distribution in long distance quantum communication,” 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Jul. 2010, pp. 626-630 ●S. Mohammadnejad, N. Ehteshami, “Novel design to compensate dispersion for index-guiding photonic crystal fiber with defected core,” 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE) , pp. V2-417 - 2-421 ●S. Mohammadnejad, S. G. Samani, E. Rahimi, “Optical characteristics of ZnO - Based photodetectors doped with au nanoparticles,” 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), Aug 2010, pp. V2-408 - V2-412 ●S. Mohammad Nejad, E.Rahimi, “A Novel Architecture for Quantum-Dot Cellular ROM,” 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 21-23 July 2010 ●S. Mohammad Nejad, F. Ahamdi Kakhki, E.Rahimi, “A Simple Mathematical Model for Clocked QCA Cells,” 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 21-23 July 2010 ●S. Mohammadnejad, S. G. Samani, E.Rahimi, “Characterization of Resposivity and Quantum Efficiency of TiO2-Based Photodetectors Doped with Ag Nanoparticles,” International Conference on Mechanical and(ICMEE 2010), 1-3 Aug 2010, pp v2-394 ●E.Rahimi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “Secure Clocked QCA logic for implementation of Quantum Cryptographic Processors”, Applied Electronics, November, 2009, 217 – 220. ●E.Rahimi, S.Mohammad Nejad , “The generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs using grating structures of Ti-diffused Lithium Niobate waveguides in integrated optics”, Applied Electronics, September, 2009, 225 – 228. ●M.Pourmahayabadi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “ Design of Ultra-low and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion single mode Photonic Crystal Fiber by Differential Evolution Algorithm”, Applied Electronics, September, 2009, pp211 – 215. ●S.Mohammad Nejad, M. Baba Ali “ Designing a 20GHz Mode Locked Semiconductor Laser by Using Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides”, Applied Electronics, September, 2009, pp181 – 185. ●E.Rahimi, S.Mohammad Nejad , “Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of Frequency Chrip and Raman Response for Soliton Propagation in Nonlinear Optical Fibers”, Proceedings of ICEE, Volume 1, May, 2009, pp 284 – 289. ●S.Mohammad Nejad, M. Listani, S.Olyaee, “Target and Flares Seperation in the Reticle Seekers Based on the Dual UV-IR Detection ”, 1st National Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 693-698, May 20-21, 2009. ●S. Mohammad Nejad and Sh.Salemian , " Design and Implementation of Polarization Filter for Quantum States Discriminator in Optical Quantum Communication , ICEE 2009, Iran ●S. Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahyabadi , " Design of a Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flattened Dispersion and Low Confinement Loss, ICEE 2009, Iran ● S. Mohammad Nejad and K.Fasihi , " Design and Modeling of Hybrid Waveguides with Lorentzian Transmission band, ICEE 2009, Iran ●S. Mohammad Nejad and M.Aliramezani and M.Pourmahyabadi, " A Novel All-Solid PhotonicBandgap Fiber with Ultra-Low Confinement Loss, ICEE 2009, Iran ●S. Mohammad Nejad and shahin Enayati Maklavani and Ehsan Rahimi, " Dark Current Reduction in ZnO-Based MSM Photodetectors with Interfacial Thin Oxide Layer, IEEE-HONET , Malaysia 2008 ●S. Mohammad Nejad and M.Aliramezani and M.Pourmahyabadi, " Novel Design of an Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Ultra-Low Loss, 3rd Internationa Conference on Broadband Communications, Information Technology & Biomedical Applications (Broadcom'08) , South Africa , 2008 ● S. Mohammad Nejad and M.Aliramezani and M.Pourmahyabadi, " A Novel Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Ultra-Low Loss, Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT , Uzbekistan , 2008 ●S. Mohammad Nejad and Ehsan Rahimi, " Quantum-Dot Cellular ROM: A Nano-Scale Level Approach to Digital Data Storage, IEEE- CSNDSP08 , Austria , 2008 ●S. Mohammad Nejad and M.pourmahyabadi , " Design of single Mode Photonic Crystal Fibers with Low-Loss and Flattened Dispersion at 1.55 m Wavelength , Iran, 2008 ●S. Mohammad Nejad and shamsolah salemian, " Quantum Not and CNOT Gates Implementation Using Interferometric Electro-Optic Modulator , Iran, 2008 ●S. Mohammad Nejad, Aliramezani, and Pourmahyabadi, "Design of a Photonic Crystal Fiber with Improved Dispersion and Confinement Loss Over All Telecommunication Bands ", Proceeding on Honet 2008, Malayzia. 2008. ●S. Mohammad Nejad, Aliramezani, and Pourmahyabadi, "Novel Design of an Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Ultra-Low Loss", Tnformation Techology & Biomedical Applications – South Africa-2008. ●S. Mohammad Nejad, Aliramezani, and Pourmahyabadi, "A Novel Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Ultra-Low Loss", International Conference-IEEE-2008, Ozbakestan. ●Shamsolah Salemian and Shahram Mohammad Nejad, " Swapping in Optical Quantum Communication Using Mach-Zehnder Interferometer ", Internatioal Sympostium on Telecommunication-IEEE-Tehran-2008. ●Pourmahyabadi, Mohammad Nejad, "Optimal Confinement Loss Reduction in Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flattened Dispersion ", Proceeding on Honet 2008, Malayzia. 2008. ●E. Rahimi and S. Mohammad Nejad, "Analysis Of Super-Gaussian Ultra-Short Pulse Propagation Nonlinear Optical ", Proceeding on Honet 2008, Malayzia. 2008. ●K. Fasihi, S.Mohammad Nejad , "Design and Modeling of Hybrid Waveguides with Quasi-Flat Transmission Band", Proceeding on Honet 2008, Malayzia. 2008. ●Sh. Mohammad Nejad, Sh. Enayati Maklavani, and Ehsan Rahimi "Dark Current Reduction in Zno-Based Msm Photodetectors With Interfacial Thin Oxide Layer", Proceeding on Honet 2008, Malayzia. 2008. ●Ehan Rahimi and Shahram Mohammad Nejad, "Quantum-Dot Cellular Rom: A Nano-Scale Level Approach to Digital Data Storage ", Proceeding on CSNDSP08, P.618, 2008. ●Shamsolah Salemian and Shahram Mohammad Nejad, "A novel Approach to Implementation of Quantum Entanglement Purification in Optical Quantum Communication ", Proceeding on CSNDSP08, P.548, 2008. ●Saeed Olyaee and Shahram Mohammad Nejad, " Reduction of Non-Orthogonality Effect in Nanometrology System by Modified Optics and Signal Conditioner ", Proceeding on CSNDSP08, P.626, 2008. ●Shamsolah Salemian and Shahram Mohammad Nejad, " Quantum NOT and CNOT Gates Implementation Using Interferometric Electro-Optic Modulator ", 16th ICEE, Tarbiat Modares University, p. 147, IRAN, 2008. ●Shamsolah Salemian and Shahram Mohammad Nejad, " Quantum NOT and CNOT Gates Implementation Using Interferometric Electro-Optic Modulator ", 16th ICEE, Tarbiat Modares University, p. 147, IRAN, 2008. ●M. Pourmahyabadi, S. Mohamma Nejad, " Design of Single Mode Photonic Crystal Fibers with Low-Loss and Flattened Dispersion at 1.55 um Wavelength " , Proceeding on the 16th ICEE.pp.167-171,2008. ●M. Pourmahyabadi, S. Mohamma Nejad, " Numerical Investigation and Optimization of 2d-Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Low Confinement Loss and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion Proceeding on the CSNDSPO8, pp.557-561,2008-10-07. ●M. Pourmahyabadi, S. Mohamma Nejad, "Design of Ultra-Flattened Dispersion Proceeding Photonic Crystal Fibers with Low Confinement Loss, Procceding in the 14th Conference on Optics and Photonics, pp.76-80, Iran, 2008. ●S. Mohamma Nejad, M. Aliramezani, M. Pourmahyabadi, " Design and Simulation of a Dual- Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Dispersion Compensation over E to L Wavelength Band", International Symposium on Telecommunication-IEEE-Tehran, 2008. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and Sh.Salemian, Design and implementation of an adaptive algorithm to Solve the problems in Stereo Visions. 13th ICOP2007-ITRC, Tehran, IRAN. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahyabadi, Picture Reconstruction in Reticule sensors using computerized Tomography. 13th ICOP2007-ITRC, Tehran, IRAN. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and K.Fasihi, An improved design to reduce the noise source in Phase-Shift Rang-Finder, 13th ICOP2007-ITRC, Tehran, IRAN. ●S.Olyaee and S. Mohammad Nejad, New design of frequency stabilization system based on the frequency pulling and Power-Balanced methods, 13th ICOP2007-ITRC, Tehran, IRAN. ●S.Mohammad Nejad, A. A. Amidian, N. Jouyandeh, and S. Olyaee Modeling and simulation of lateral effect position sensitive detector responsively to optical stimulators ICEE2007-ITRC, Tehran, IRAN. ●M.R. Hedayati, S. Mohammad Nejad and Gh. H. Sadr, Design and Completion of Management Process, Supervision and Documentation of Research Projects Using SOR Declaration. Research-Week Conference, Tehran, ITRC, 2006. ●S.olyaee and S.Mohammad Nejad, Frequency-Path Modeling for Three-Longitudinal-Mode Interferometer, 9th Joint Conference on Information Science (JCIS), The Splender Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Taiwan Roc, October 8-11, 2006. ●S.Mohammad Nejad, M.pourmahyabadi and A.A.Amidian Optimal Dark Current Reduction in Quantum Well 9 m GaAs/AlGaAs Infrared Photo detectors With Improved Detectivity, IEEE-ICECS, 13th IEEE International Conference of Electronics, Circuit and Systems, Nice, France, Dec. 2006. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahyabadi, The performance of Ring Laser Gyro In Inertia Navigation. IEEE-ICECS, 13th IEEE International Conference of Electronics, Circuit and Systems, NICE, France, Dec. 2006. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, Accuracy Improvement by Nonlinearity Reduction in Two-Frequency Laser Heterodyne Interferometer. IEEE-ICECS, 13th IEEE International Conference of Electronics, Circuit and Systems, NICE, France, December 2006. ●S.Olyaee and S.Mohammad Nejad, Frequency-Path Modeling for Three-Longitudinal-Mode Nanometric Displacement Measurement System Interferometer, IEEE-ICECS, 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuit and Systems, NICE, France, 2006 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and K.Fasihi, A new design of laser phase-shift range finder independent of environmental conditions and thermal drift. 9th Joint Conference On Information Science (JCIS), The Splender Kaohsiung , Kaohsiung Taiwan ROC, October 8-11, 2006 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, Nanometric Displacement Measurement System Using Three Longitudinal-Mode He-Nelaser, 9th Joint Conference On Information Science (JCIS), The Splender Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Taiwan ROC , October 8-11, 2006 . ●S.Olyaee and S.Mohammad Nejad, Accuracy Improvement in the Nano-displacement Measurement Based on the Doppler-Interferometer Method by Cross-talk Reduction. 9th Joint Conference On Information Science ( JCIS), The Splendor Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Taiwan ROC, October 8-11, 2006 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and E.Mohajeri, Design and Simulation of a High Resolution FMCW-Like Laser Range-Finder. ICEE-2005. May 10-12, University of Zanjan . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and A.Salmanpour, Design and simulation of laser tracking device using 4-Q detector.12th Iranian Optics & Photonics conference, Shiraz University, Feb. 2005 . ●S.Olyaee and S. Mohammad Nejad, Utilizing secondary frequency interference property of Ne-He laser to increase sensitivity in nanometric displacement measurements. 12th Iranian Optics & Photonics Conference, Feb 2005, University of Shiraz . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and K.Fasihi, Implementation of a new laser system based on measurement of phase variation in order to measure precise velocity and distance, 13th Iranian conference an Electrical Engineering, Zanjan May.2005 . ●S.Olyaee and S.Mohammad Nejad, Design of nanometric displacement measuring system at high speed using stabilized He-Ne laser 13th Iranian conference of Electrical Engineering, Zanjan University May 2005 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad, Processing and position detection in optical probe systems. 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering . University of Zanjan, May 2005 ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahyabadi, Simulation of gain sensitivity to temperature and voltage in optical avalanche detectors InGaAs/Si , 13 th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, University of Zanjan, May 2005 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad, Comprehensive survey of Iran's electronic industry and research. annual conference of Electrical Engineering of Basij, Shiraz, Sep 2004. ●S.Olyaee and S.Mohammad Nejad, A New method of designing LDVDM system using dual mode He-Ne laser. Photonics conference University of Shahid Beheshti , Tehran, Feb. 2004 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad, Hardware enhancement affecting future of IT. First national Conference on IT and industry, Yazd, Sep, 2004 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, A New High Accuracy Time of Flight Range Finder With Q-Switching Nd:YAG Laser, 12th Iranian Conference on Elec. Eng. Ferdoosi Univ. Mashad, May 11-13, 2004 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.H.Mirsaedy, Design and Implementation of Altitude measuring system from water surface for Inertia Navigation. First Police & Electronic Technology Conference, Police University of Tehran, Feb 2004. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, Investigation and Simulation of Sn penetration and Xray radiation over PbSeTe/PhSnTe Lattice, 12th Iran Electrical Engineering Conference, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, Feb 2004 . ●S.Olyaee, S.Mohammad Nejad, Design and simulation of a laser Range-Finder using Doppler Interferrometer technique and He-Ne laser at 633 nanometer wave length. 10th photonic conference, the Internationsl science & Advanced Technology and Environmental center, Kerman, Feb 2003 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Gharavi, Design and simulation of a quantum well detector at 9 micrometer wave length and low noise under 77 Kelvin, loth Photonic conference. The International Science & Advanced Technology and Environmental center Kerman, Feb 2003 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.A.Lajverdizadeh, Emulation of an special laser gyroscope for application in inertial Navigation. Fourth aerospace conference , University of Amir Kabir, 2002 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.A.Lajervardizadeh, Applications of optical gyroscopes, Intelligent Ordnance conference. University of Malek Ashtar, Tehran , Feb 2002 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.M.H.Mirsaeidi, FMCW applications in distance detection, Intelligent Ordnance conference Malek Ashtar University, Tehran Feb 2002. ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Sotoodeh, Design and Assembly of a New Wide-band Acoustic Signal Amplifier to Drive Electrostatic Transducers, PIERS, 18-22 Jul . 2001, Osaka, Japan . ●S.Mohammad Nejad, and A.Karami, Exact Temperature Controlling system for Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, PIERS, 18-22 Jul, 2001, Osaka, Japan . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and M.A. Mazlumin, PbCdS Accommodation Coefficient Calcu-lation; ICM’2000, Tehran University, Oct.31-Nov 2, 2000 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.A.lajvardizadeh, Target Behavior Investigation using proportional guidance approach. Iran 1 st-Aaerospace conference Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Jan 2000 . ●S.Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee Design and Implementation of TOF laser Range-Finder for 1 to 20 Km intervals having + 5 M sensitivity. 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Shefield England . ●S.Okamura S.Mohammad Nejad, Sensing System for Controlling Dyeing of Printing process on Textile I - EEE - IAS 31 st Annual Conference 5-10 October . 1996 San Diego, California U.S.A . ●S.Mohammad Nejad, New Carbon Coated Sublimation, 3rd ICEE-95, IUST , Tehran, Iran ●S.Mohammad Nejad, PbS single crystal Substrate Preparation and Characterization 3rd ICEE-95 IUST, Tehran, Iran . ●S.Mohammad Nejad, A.Ishida and H.Fujiyasu PbCdS Films and Sls Prepared by HWE , Oyu Butsuri Conference, Okayama Japan 1991 . ●S.Okamura and S.Mohammad Nejad, A sensing system For Dyeing Process Using ID code of Aluminum Foil; 1990 Tokai Section Joint Concord Institules of Electrical and Related Engineers. P.587. October 1990. ●S. Mohammadnejad, N. Ehteshami, “A novel design to compensate dispersion for square-lattice photonic crystal fiber over E to L wavelength bands,” 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Jul. 2010, pp. 654-658 ●S. Mohammadnejad, P.Khademi, E.Rahimi, “Analysis and Comparison of Electrical Characteristics for a Single Molecule Wire with Different Electrode Materials,” 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Jul. 2010, pp. 380-383
| 8- تالیفات (کتب تالیفی و ترجمهای) : • QCA: The Prospective Technology for Digital Telecommunication Systems. Taylor and francis Grous/ CRC Press • اصول کوانتوم الکترونیک و محاسبات کوانتومی نوری،انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • فیزیک مدرن، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ انتشار 1287 • فرهنگ توصیفی الکترونیک نوری، ناشر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ انتشار 1385 • فیزیک لیزرهای چاه کوانتومی کرنشی، انتشارات دانشگاه امام حسین (ع)، تاریخ انتشار 1384 • قطعات نیمههادی الکترونیک نوری – جلد دوم، انتشارات دانشگاه امام حسین (ع)، تاریخ انتشار 1382 • قطعات نیمههادی الکترونیک نوری (جلد اول – فیزیک نیمه هادیها)، انتشارات امام حسین (ع) 1381 | 9- فعالیتهای آموزشی و پژوهشی : سابقه مشارکت در کنفرانس و کارگاه آموزشی • شرکت در بیش از 55 کنفرانس علمی و کارگاههای آموزشی در سطح کشور و خارج از آن برپایی نمایشگاهها و راهاندازی آزمایشگاه • نمایشگاه اپتیک و فوتونیک • نمایشگاه تلکوم • نمایشگاه هفته پژوهش • راهاندازی مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس • راهاندازی آزمایشگاه الکترونیک نوری و لیزر | 10- مسئولیتهای اجرایی در حوزهی آموزشی : • بنیانگذار موسسه آموزش عالی البرز فاراب عمارلو • معاون آموزشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • رئیس چهاردهمین کنفرانس اپتیک و فوتونیک ایران • عضو شورای مشورتی فرهنگی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • عضو شورای مرکز تحقیقات الکترونیک دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • عضو هیئت تحریریه مجله الکترونیک صنایع دفاع • همکاری با چند دانشگاه خارج از کشور • دبیر اجرایی سومین کنفرانس مهندسی برق ایران • عضو کمیته استاندارد سیستمهای لیزری • بنیانگذار مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس در دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • بنیانگذار گرایش نانوپترونیکس در دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • بنیانگذار آزمایشگاه الکترونیک نوری و لیزر • معاون آموزشی دانشگاه شاهد با حفظ وظایف آموزشی و پژوهشی • رئیس واحد آموزشهای الکترونیک دانشگاه علم وصنعت ایران • معاون پژوهشی مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران با حفظ وظایف آموزشی و پژوهشی • عضو هیئت امناء مرکز تحقیقات 1385 • دبیر شورای پژوهشی مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • عضو انجمن (IEE )(IET ) انگلستان 2004 • مسئول روابط بینالملل کنفرانس مهندسی برق ایران مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • رئیس سیزدهمین کنفرانس اپتیک و فوتونیک ایران مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • نماینده مرکز تحقیقات در کمیتههای پژوهش استانهای خراسان رضوی، استان قزوین، استان مازندران، استان یزد، استان گیلان و استان فارس مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • مجری طرح بازنگری و تدوین راهبرد و برنامه مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • عضو شورای علمی پژوهشکده امنیت مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • ریاست دانشکده مهندسی برق • عضو کمیته علمی و تخصصی ارتقاء مرکز تحقیقات مخابرات ایران • مدیر مسؤل مجله برق دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • عضو هیئت تحریریه مجله برق دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران • عضو کمیته علمی سیزدهمین کنفرانس اپتیک و فوتونیک ایران • دبیر کمیته علمی گرایش الکترونیک هفدهمین کنفرانس مهندسی برق ایران | 11- راهنمایی پروژههای تحصیلات تکمیلی : • رسالههای دکترا و کارشناسی ارشد: بیش از 45 پایاننامه • کارشناسی : 15 پایاننامه | 12- افتخارات کسب شده : • اختراع لیزر PbSrS سال 1993. • دریافت چند لوح تقدیر بخاطر انجام موفق پروژههای متعدد تحقیقاتی – صنعتی . • دریافت تقدیرنامههای متعدد از رئیس جمهور، چند وزیر و رئیس دانشگاههای مختلف به دلیل فعالیتهای علمی و پژوهشی . • برنده جایزه بهترین مقاله در کنفرانس IEEE-CSNDSP در اتریش . | 13 - آزمایشگاههای تحقیقاتی - آموزشی • مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس شامل مجموعه آزمایشگاههای : 1- اپتوالکترونیک 2- کوانترونیکس 3- نانوالکترونیک 4 - سیستمها 5 - میکروالکترونیک |