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:: Dr.jadid ::
 | Post date: 2015/05/26 | 


1- Faculty profile

Family Name: Jadid

First Name: Shahram

Title: Full Professor

Contact imformation:

Tel: 73225607 - 73225600

Email : jadid (At) iust.ac.ir

2- Higher Education

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 1992
M.S. Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 1988
B.S. Electrical Engineering Department, SGS Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, India, 1986

3- Expertise:

 Smart Grid; Advanced Smart Metering; Distributed Generation; Operation, control and optimization of electric power systems; Power markets and Power system restructuring

4- Taught Couses:

Smart Grid (MS and Ph.D.)

Modern Power Systems Operation and Control (MS and Ph.D.)
Restructured Power Systems (MS and Ph.D.)
Energy and Load Management (MS and Ph.D.)
Application of Expert System to Power Systems (MS and Ph.D.)
Power System Analysis I (Undergraduate)
Electric Circuits Theory (Undergraduate)
Basic Electrical Engineering (Undergraduate)

5- Research and Industrial Projects:

(In Persian) 

6- Journal Papers :

[1] S. Jadid, A.Salami, Accurate and Estimation Methods for Frequency Response Calculations of Hydroelectric Power Plant, WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems, Issue 6, Vol. 3, August 2004, pp. 1457-1462.

[2] S. Jadid, A. Salami, Guidelines for Reserves Calculation During Power System Restoration, WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems, Issue 8,Vol. 3, October 2004, pp. 1668-1672 .

[3] S. Jadid and S.Jalilzadeh Application of Neural Network for Contingency Ranking Based on Combination of Severity Indices Transaction on Engineering, Computing and Technology (ENFORMATIKA) ,Vol.5 , April 2005, pp. 225-228.

[4] S. Jadid and S.Jalilzadeh, Effective transient stability assessment based on composite indices, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vo. l, No. 2, April 2005, pp 74-80.

[5] S. V. Daneshmand, A. Kazemi and S. Jadid, Load frequency Control of Multi-Area Power Systems with Real-Time Recurrent Neural Network, Journal of Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, April 2005, pp. 57-71.
 [6] S. Jalilzadeh and S. Jadid, Improvement of transient stability by variation generator parameters and high speed fault clearing,  WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 5, Vol. 4, May 2005, pp. 609-616.

[7] S. V. Daneshmand, A. Kazemi and S. Jadid, Introduction of a Novel Approach for Power System Load Frequency Control, WSEAS Transaction on Systems, Issue 7, Vol. 4, July 2005, pp.1064-1069.
[8] S. Jadid and S. Jalilzadeh, Composite Index for Contingency Ranking in Transient Stability Assessment, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue. 8, Vo. 4, August 2005, pp. 1215-1223.

[9] S. Jadid, A. Kazemi and M.Yousefi, Optimizing Restoration of Distribution System during Cold Load Pickup Situations, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 9, Vol. 4, September 2005, pp. 1530-1537.

[10] A. Kazemi, A. Badri and S. Jadid Investigation of Two Vector Control Based Methods for Static Synchronous Series Compensator, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, October 2005.

[11] S. Jadid and A. Badri, A Novel Vector Control Based Method for Static Synchronous Series Compensators and Unified Power Flow Controllers, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 12, Vol. 4, December 2005, pp.1397-1405.

[12] A. Badri, S. Jadid  and M. Parsa Moghaddam, Impact of Participants’ Market Power and Transmission Constraints on GenCos’ Nash Equilibrium point, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, January 2007, pp.1-9.

[13] A. Kazemi, S. Jadid and H. Andami, Introducing a New Method for Multiarea Transmission Networks Loss Allocation, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, January 2007, pp.21-30.

[14] J. Aghaei, S. Jadid, H. Shayanfar and G. Derakhshan, Joint Market of Energy and Reserves Requirements considering Lost Opportunity Cost, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol. 9, Issue 5, Article 7, 2008.

[15] J. Aghaei, S. Jadid, H. Shayanfar and G. Derakhshan,  Security Constrained joint market clearing of energy and reserves auctions, Australian Journal of Electrical and  Electronics Engineering, Vol. 6, No.1, January 2009, pp.1-12.

[16] K. Aflaki, S. Jadid  and M. Shahidehpour, Electric Power Restructuring in Iran: Achievements and Challenges, The Electricity Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 22, Issue 2, March 2009, pp.74-83.

[17] S. Jadid, O. Homaee and A. Zakariazadeh, Voltage control approach in smart distribution network with renewable distribution generation, Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall-Winter 2013, pp.11-21.

[18] A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid, Integrated scheduling of electric vehicles and demend response programs in smart microgrids, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014, pp.114-123.

[19] B. Alizadeh and S. Jadid, Accelerating the composite power system planning by Benders decomposition, Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter-Spring 2014, pp.1-9.

[20] S. Jadid and A. Bahreini, A Stochastic Operational Planning Model for Smart Power Systems, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2014, pp.293-303.


[1] S. Jadid and M. R. Rokni, An Expert System to Improve Power System Contingency Analysis, Journal of Electrical Power Systems Research, Vol. 40, Issue 1, January 1997, pp. 37-43.

[2] H. Monsef, A. M. Ranjbar and S. Jadid, Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert System for Power System Fault Diagnosis, IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 144, No. 2, March 1997, pp. 186-192.

[3] M. Parsa Mogaddam, M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami and S. Jadid, Power Market Long – Term Stability: A Hybrid MADM/GA Comprehensive Framework, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 20, No. 4, November 2005, pp. 2107-2116.

[4] F.Karbalai, S. Jadid and M. Kalantar, A novel method for fast computation of saddle node bifurcation in power systems using an optimization technique, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 47, Issue 5, March 2006, pp. 582-589.

[5] A. Badri, S. Jadid, M. Rashidinejad and M. Parsa Moghadam, Optimal bidding Strategies in Oligopoly Markets Considering Bilateral Contracts and Transmission Constraints, Journal of Electrical Power Systems Research, Vol. 78, Issue 6, June 2008, pp. 1089-1098.

[6] A. Kazemi, S. Jadid and H. Andami, A Circuit based method for multiarea transmission networks loss allocation, European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 18, 2008, pp.753-766.

[7] A. Badri, S. Jadid, M. Parsa Moghadam and M. Rashidinejad, Impact of generators’ behaviors on Nash equilibrium considering transmission constraints, European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 19, 2008, pp.765-777.(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etep.254/abstract )

[8] V. Vahidinasab, S. Jadid and A. Kazemi, Day-ahead Price Forecasting in Restructured Power Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Electrical Power Systems Research, Volume 78, Issue 8, August 2008, pp.1332-1342.

[9] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, Multiobjective environmental/techno-economic approach for strategic bidding in energy markets, Journal of Applied Energy, Vol. 86, 2009, pp.496-504.


[10] A. Zangeneh, A. Kazemi, M. Hajatipour and S. Jadid, A Lyapounov theory based UPFC Controller for Power Flow Control, Internation Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume 31, Issues 7-8, September 2009, pp. 302-308. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142061509000350) 

[11] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid and A. Rahimi Kian, A hierarchical decision making model for the prioritization of distributed generation technologies: A case study for Iran, Journal of Energy Policy, Vol. 37, September 2009, pp.5752-5763. 


[12] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid and A. Rahimi Kian, Promotion strategy of clean technologies in distributed generation expansion planning, Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, No.12, Dec. 2009, pp.2765-1773. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960148109002912)

[13] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid,  Simultaneous Clearing of Wind-Thermal Generation and Reserve Market with Interruptible Load Participation, International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E), Vol.4, No.6, Dec.2009, pp.1347-1356.

[14] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid and A. Rahimi Kian, Normal boundary intersection and benefit-cost ratio for distributed generation planning, Journal of European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 20, 2010, pp.97-113. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etep.291/abstract)

[15] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, Bayesian neural network model to predict day-ahead electricity prices, Journal of European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 20, 2010, pp.231-246.


[16] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, Joint Economic And Emission Dispatch In Energy Markets: A Multiobjective Mathematical Programming Approach, Journal of Energy, Vol.35, No.3, March 2010, pp.1497-1504. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544209005271)

[17] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid and A. Rahimi Kian, Uncertainty based distributed generation expansion planning in electricity markets, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 91, No.7, March 2010, pp.369-382.


[18] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, Normal boundary intersection method for suppliers strategic bidding in electricity markets: An environmental/economic approach, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 51, Issue 6, June 2010, pp.1111-1119. 


[19] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, Stochastic multiobjective self-scheduling of a power producer in joint energy and reserves markets, Journal of Electrical Power Systems Research, Vol.80, No.7, July 2010, pp.760-769. 


[20] A. Zangeneh and S. Jadid, Fuzzy multiobjective model for distributed generation expansion planning in uncertain environment, Journal of European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol.21, Jan 2011, pp.129-141. 


[21] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid and A. Rahimi Kian, A fuzzy environmental –technical-economic model for distributed generation expansion planning, Journal of Energy, Vol.36, No.5, May 2011, pp.3437-3445.

[22] B. Alizadeh and S. Jadid,Reliability constrained coordination of generation and transmission expansion planning in power systems using mixed integer programming, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 5, Issue 9, 2011, pp. 948–960.


[23] H.Nasiraghdam and S. Jadid,  Optimal hybrid PV/WT/FC sizing and distribution system reconfiguration using multi-objective artificial bee colony (MOABC) algorithm , Journal of Solar Energy, Vol.86, No.10, October 2012, pp . 3057-3071.


[24] M.Esmaili, F.Ebadi, H.A.Shayanfar and S. Jadid,  Congestion management in hybrid power markets using modified Benders decomposition , Journal of Applied Energy, Vol.102, February 2013, pp . 1004-1012.


[25] S. Jadid and P. Rabbanifar, Stochastic multi-objective fequency control in joint energy and reserve markets considering power system security, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 76–89.

( http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0842)

[26] B. Alizadeh, S. Dehghan, N. Amjady, S. Jadid and A. Kazemi,   Robust transmission system expansion considering planning uncertainties, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol.7, Issue 11, 2013, pp.1318-1331.


ISSN: print= 1751-8687

[27] O. Homaee, A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid ,Real-time voltage control algorithm with switched capacitors in smart distribution system in presence of renewable generations , Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 54, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 187–197.


ISSN: 0142-0615

[28] S. Jadid and P. Rabbanifar, Stochastic multi-objective security-constrained market-clearing considering static frequency of power system, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 54, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 465–480.


[29] H. Falsafi, A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid,The role of demand response in single and multi-objective wind-thermal generation scheduling: A stochastic programming, Journal of Energy, Vol.64, Issue 1, January 2014, pp.853-867.


[30] A. Zakariazadeh  and S. Jadid, Smart microgrid operational planning considering multiple demand response programs, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 6, Issue 1, January 2014.


ISSN: 1941-7012

[31] M. Honarmand, A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid,  Optimal scheduling of electric vehicles in an intelligent parking lot considering vehicle-to-grid concept and battery condition, Journal of Energy, Vol.65, February 2014, pp.572-579.


ISSN: 0360-5442

[32] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano, Economic-environmental energy and reserve scheduling of smart distribution systems: A multiobjective mathematical programming approach , Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 78, February 2014, pp. 151–164 .

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890413006869 )

ISSN: 0196-8904

[33] A. Zakariazadeh, O. Homaee, S. Jadid and P. Siano, A new approach for real time voltage control using demand response in an automated distribution system , Journal of Applied Energy , Vol.117, March 2014, pp . 157-166.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261913009884 )


[34] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano , Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehicles in smart distribution system , Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.79, March 2014, pp.43-53.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890413007632 )

ISSN: 0196-8904

[35] O. Homaee, A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid , Real time voltage control using emergency demand response in distribution system by integrating advanced metering infrastructure, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy , Vol. 6, Issue 3, May 2014.

( http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jrse/6/3/10.1063/1.4885177 )

ISSN: 1941-7012

[36] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano, Stochastic multi-objective operational planning of smart distribution systems considering demand response programs , Journal of Electric Power Systems Research ,Vol. 111, June 2014, pp.156–168.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378779614000662 )

ISSN: 0378-7796

[37] M. Khojasteh and S. Jadid , Optimal risk-based strategy of distributed generation-owning retailer in the day-ahead electric market: Chance constraint optimization approach, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy , Vol. 6, Issue 5, September 2014.

( http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jrse/6/5/10.1063/1.4896786 )

ISSN: 1941-7012

[38] M. Honarmand, A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid , Integrated scheduling of renewable generation and electric vehicles parking lot in a smart microgrid , Journal of Energy Conversion and Management , Vol. 86, October 2014, pp.745–755.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019689041400569X )

ISSN: 0196-8904

[39] M. Mazidi, A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano, Integrated scheduling of renewable generation and demand response programs in a microgrid , Journal of Energy Conversion and Management , Vol. 86, October 2014, pp.1118–1127.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890414006037 )

ISSN: 0196-8904

[40] O. Homaee and S. Jadid , Investigation of synchronous generator in reactive power market – an accurate view , IET Gener. Transm. Distrib. , Vol.8, Issue 11, November 2014, pp.1881-1890 .

( http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0901 )

ISSN: print= 1751-8687

[41] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano, Stochastic operational scheduling of smart distribution system considering wind generation and demand response programs , Electrical Power and Energy Systems , Vol. 63, December 2014, pp. 218–225 .

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142061514003330 )

ISSN: 0142-0615

[42] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano, Smart microgrid energy and reserve scheduling with demand response using stochastic optimization , Electrical Power and Energy Systems , Vol. 63, December 2014, pp. 523–533 .

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014206151400386X )

ISSN: 0142-0615

[43] P. Rabbanifar and S. Jadid , Stochastic multi-objective tie-line power flow and frequency control in market clearing of multi-area electricity markets considering power system security , IET Gener. Transm. Distrib. , Vol.8, Issue 12 , December 2014 , pp.1960-1978 .

( http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0866 )

ISSN: print= 1751-8687

[44] B. Alizadeh and S. Jadid , Uncertainty handling in power system expansion planning under a robust multi-objective framework , IET Gener. Transm. Distrib. , Vol.8, Issue 12 , December 2014 , pp.2012-2026 .

( http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0674 )

ISSN: print= 1751-8687

[45] A. Zakariazadeh, S. Jadid and P. Siano, Integrated operation of electric vehicles and renewable generation in a smart distribution system , Journal of Energy Conversion and Management , Vol. 89, Issue 1, January 2015, pp.99–110.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890414008632 )

ISSN: 0196-8904

[46] M. Honarmand, A. Zakariazadeh and S. Jadid , Self-scheduling of electric vehicles in an intelligent parking lot using stochastic optimization , Journal of The Franklin Institute , Vol.352, Issue 2, February 2015, pp. 449-467.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016003214000349 )

ISSN: 0016-0032

[47] B. Alizadeh and S. Jadid , A dynamic model for coordination of generation and transmission expansion planning in power systems , Electrical Power and Energy Systems , Vol. 65, February 2015, pp. 408–418 .

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142061514006103 )

ISSN: 0142-0615

[48] F. Brahman, M. Honarmand and S. Jadid , Optimal electrical and thermal energy management of a residential energy hub, integrating demand response and energy storage system , Journal of Energy and Buildings , Vol. 90, Issue 1, March 2015,pp.65–75.

( http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378778814011128 )

ISSN: 0378-7788

*[49] S. Moradian, S. Jadid and O. Homaee, Optimal allocation of capacitors with stand-alone VAr control systems in radial distribution networks, International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. , Issue , 2014, pp.–.

( http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etep.1911/abstract )

ISSN: 2050-7038

*[50] P. Rabbanifar and S. Jadid, Stochastic security-constrained frequency control in joint energy and reserve markets considering system frequency and rate of change of frequency, International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems , Vol., Issue, 2014, pp.–.

( http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etep.1910/full )

7- Confrence papers:

[1] S. Jadid, B. Jeyasurya and S. A. Khaparde Power System Fault Diagnosis using Logic Programming, Proceedings of the International Conference on Power System Protection, Singapore, Sept. 1989, pp. 771-788.

[2] S. Jadid, B. Jeyasurya and S. A. Khaparde, Power System Fault Diagnosis Expert System using PROLOG, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Region 10 International Conference, Bombay, Nov. 1989, pp. 778-781.

[3] S. Jadid, V. Vidyasagar, S. A. Khaparde and S. K. Banerjee, A knowledge Based Approach for Power Flow Rerouting During Restoration, Proceeding of the Sixth National Power System Conference, Bombay, June 1990, pp. 163-168.

[4] V. Vidyasagar, S. Jadid and S. A. Khaparde, Prolog Topology Simulation and Substation Switching, Proceeding of the Sixth National Power System Conference, Bombay, June 1990, pp. 620-625.

[5] S. Jadid and S. A. Khaparde, An Expert System Assisting Fault Diagnosis of Electric Power System, Proceedings of the International Conference of Control and Modeling, Tehran, July 1990, pp. 318-322.

[6] S. Jadid and A. M. Ranjbar, A Restoration Expert System for Iranian 400kv Network, Proceedings of the First Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Vol.3, May 1993, pp. 54-64.

[7] H. Monsef, A. M. Ranjbar and S. Jadid,  A Rule-Based Expert System for Power System Fault Diagnosis, Proceedings of the Ninth International Power System Conference, St. Petersburge, July 1994, pp. 357-367.

[8] N.M.Tabatabaei and S. Jadid, Power System RCD Observability Based on Prolog, Proceedings of IEEE/KTH Power Tech Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1995, pp. 176-181.

[9] H.Monsef, A.M.Ranjbar and S. Jadid, A Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert System for Power System Fault Diagnosis, Proceeding of IEEE/KTH Power Tech Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1995, pp. 327-334.

[10] S. Jadid and A. Hemmati, HAPP:An Expert System for HVDC Alarm Processing, Proceedings of the International Power Engineering Conference, NTU, Singapore, May 1997, pp. 565-569.

[11] R.Effatnejad, S. Jadid and H. A. Shayanfar, Energy Efficiency Enhancement in Cement Factories Using Expert System, Proceedings of the 16th International Power System Conference, Tehran, Oct. 2001, pp. 61-68.

[12] S. Jadid, M. Khazai and S. Jalilzadeh, Contingency Ranking Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 10th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, May 2002, vol. 4, pp. 640-646.

[13] S. Jadid, A. Salami, Application of Dynamic Programming Method for Reactive Power Planning, Proceedings of the 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Mashhad, Iran, May 2004, vol. 1, pp.355-360.

[14] S. Roshanzamir, S. Jadid and M. H. Eikani, Setting national priorities for Energy standards in Iran, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech, August 2004, pp. 1545-1546.

[15] S. Jadid, A. Salami, A time based load pickup for hydroelectric power plant during power system restoration, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, September 2004, pp. 663-667.

[16] S. Jadid, A. Salami, Reserves During Power System Restoration, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, September 2004, pp. 290-293.

[17] S. Jadid, and S. Jalilzadeh, Effect of Generator Parameters Variation in Dynamic Stability, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, September 2004, pp. 196-199.

[18] A. Kazemi, S. Jadid and A. Badri, Investigation of two Vector Control Based Methods for Static Synchronous Series Compensator, Proceedings of the 19th International Power System Conference, Iran, 2004, pp. 1-7.

[19] A. Zanganeh, M. Hajatipour and S. Jadid, Voltage Stability Monitoring Based on Nearest Neighborhood Algorithm of Fuzzy Clustering and Modal Analysis, Proceedings of the 19th International Power System Conference, Iran, 2004, pp. 1-7.

[20] S. Jadid, A. Salami, Accurate Model of Hydroelectric Power Plant for Load Pickup During Power System Restoration, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 (TENCON), Thailand, 21-24 November 2004, pp. 307-310.

[21] S. Jadid and S. Jalilzadeh, Contingency ranking based on Combination of severity indices in dynamic security analysis, Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS Int. conf. on Applications of Electrical Engineering, Prague, Czech, March 2005, pp. 425-430.

[22] S.Roshanzamir, S. Jadid and M.H. Eikani, Priorities for Energy Standards in Iran: A Multi - Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) Technique, Proceedings of the 5th National Energy Congress, Tehran, Iran, May 2005.

[23] S. Jadid, A. Badri and H. M. Shourkai, Determination of FMDL Based on Industries Load Management Programs, Proceedings of the 5th National Energy Congress, Tehran, Iran, May 2005.

[24] S. Jadid, A. Badri and H. M. Shourkai, Determination of industrial Customers Priority in Order to Compensate Generation Shortage, Proceedings of the 5th National Energy Congress, Tehran, Iran, May 2005.

[25] S. Jadid and S. Jalilzadeh, Contingency ranking based on Combination of severity indices in dynamic security analysis, Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, Zanjan, Iran, May 2005, pp. 700-705.

[26] M. Parsa Mogaddam, M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami and S. Jadid, A Price Guideline for Generation Expansion planning in Competitive Electricity Markets, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vol.1, June 2005, pp. 197-201.

[27] M. Parsa Mogaddam, M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami and S. Jadid, A MADM Framework for Generation Expansion planning in Small Electricity Firms, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Vol.1, June 2005, pp. 185-189.

[28] S. Jalilzadeh and S. Jadid, Effect of generator parameters variation in transient stability, The 9th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference, Athens, Greece, July 2005.

[29] S. Jadid and A. Badri, Application of vector control based methods for unified power flow controllers, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int.Conf.on Power Systems and Electromagnetic Compatibility, Corfu, Greece, August 2005, pp. 298-303.

[30] S. Jadid, A. Kazemi and M. Yousefi, Backtracking Search Method for the Optimal Restoration of Distribution System during Cold Load Pickup, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Power Systems and Electromagnetic Compatibility, Corfu, Greece, August 2005, pp. 194-199.

[31] S. Jadid and S. Jalilzadeh, Effective Contingency Ranking Based on Composite Indices, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Power systems and Electromagnetic compatibility, Corfu, Greece, August 2005, pp. 95-100.

[32] S. Jadid and G. Fani, A Novel Algorithm for Meter Placement in Harmonic State Estimation, The 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Cork, UK, Sept. 2005.

[33] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid, A. Kazemi, Transient Contingency Ranking Using Several Severity Indices Based on Hybrid Transient Energy Function and Time Domain Simulation, 20th International Power System Conference, Nov. 2005.


[35] M. Mashayekh, A. Kazemi, S. Jadid, A New Approach for Modeling of UPFC In Power Flow and Optimum Power Flow Studies, First IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, May 2006.

[36] M.Asgharifard, S.Jadid, Low Voltage Feeders Preventive Repairs Planning, 3rd International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering(TPE 06), Turkey, May 2006, pp.391-395.

[37] H.M.Shourkaei, S.Jadid, Combining Energy and Reserve Market in Transmission Constraints Unit Commitment for Gencos, 3rd International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering(TPE 06), Turkey, May 2006, pp.309-314.

[38] M. K. Sheik-El-Eslami, M. Parsa Moghaddam, S. Jadid, Expansion Planning in Private Generation Companies: A Practical Method, IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) General Meeting, Canada, June 2006, pp. 1-5.

[39] B. Kiani, S. Jadid, R. Fekri and V. Vahidinasab, Examinig the Impact of Deregulation on Generation Capacity Growth in Economies in Transition by System Dynamics Modeling IEEE ISIE, Canada, July 2006, pp. 2053-2039.

[40] I. Ziari, S. Jadid, A. Jalilian, A new method for modeling loss in distribution network, 41st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2006), Newcastle, UK,  September 2006.

[41] M. Mashayekh, A. Kazemi, S. Jadid, Implementation of Enhanced Load Shedding Method in Restructured Power System, IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2006) , China, October 2006.

[42] A. Salami, S. Jadid and N. Ramezani, The effect of Load Frequency Controller on Load  Pickup during Restoration, IEEE First International Power and Energy Conference (PECon 2006), Malaysia, November 2006, pp. 225-228.

[43] S. M. H. Nabvi, S. Jadid, M. A. S. Masoum and A. Kazemi, Congestion Management in Nodal Pricing With Genetic Algoritm, Proceeding of IEEE PEDES Conference, New Delhi, India, December 2006,

[44] H. Andami, A. Kazemi and S. Jadid, Transmission System Loss Allocation in Hybrid Electric Power Markets, Power Engg. Conference, Portugal, April 2007, pp.471-475.

[45] A. Rabiee, S. Jadid and H. A. Shayanfar, Automatic Generation Control System in Deregulated Environment Using Fuzzy Supervisory Controller, 15th  Power Engineering Conference, ITRC, Tehran, May 2007, pp.31-36.

[46] A. Zangeneh and S. Jadid, Goal Attainment Programming based Algorithm for Distributed Generation Planning, First International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO 2007), Malaysia, June 2007.

[47] A. Badri, S. Jadid and M. Parsa Moghaddam, Optimal Market levels of Generators In Order to Bid in a Combined Pool – Bilateral Market, First International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2007), Malaysia, June 2007, pp.111-115.

[48] A. Zangeneh, A. Kazemi, M. Hajatipour and S. Jadid, A Lyapounov theory based UPFC Controller for Power Flow Control, First International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO 2007), Malaysia, June 2007.

[49] A. Lashkar Ara, S. Jadid and A. Kazemi, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Modelling and Monitoring of Deregulated Electricity Markets, 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2007), UK, September 2007, pp.545-549.

[50] A. Zangeneh, S. Jadid and A. Rahimi Kian, A Hybrid Approach of Marginal Benefit and Normal Boundary Intersection Algorithm for Distributed Generation Planning, 22nd International Power System Conference, Tehran, November 2007.

[51] A. Badri, S. Jadid and M. Parsa Moghadam, Study of GENCOs’ Cournot Behaviors Considering Market Auction Mechanism, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2007), Western Australia, December 2007, pp.107-112.

[52] A. Badri, S. Jadid and M. Parsa Moghadam, Investigation of GENCOs’ Optimal Bidding Strategies in Oligopolistic Power Markets, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2007), Western Australia, December 2007, pp.163-167.

[53] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, Bayesian Neural Networks for Electricity Price Forecasting in the Electricity Markets, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2007), Western Australia, December 2007, pp.458-463.

[54] A.Badri, S. Jadid, and M. Parsa.Moghadam, Impact of Generators’ Different Bidding Strategies on System Nash Equilibrium Point, The 8th International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, December 2007.

[55] S. Jadid and N. Aslani Amoli, Factoring the Price Elasticity of Demand in the Optimal Power Flow, The 8th International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, December 2007.

[56] A. Zangeneh and S. Jadid, Normal Boundary Intersection for Generating Pareto Set in Distributed Generation Planning, The 8th International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, December 2007.

[57] V. Vahidinasab and S. Jadid, ANN based Day-Ahead Peak Load Forecasting using Levenberg-Marquardt Learning Algorithm, International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), India, December 2007.

[58] M. Khazaei and S.Jadid, Contingency Ranking using Neural Networks by Radial Basis Function method, IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference, April 2008.

[59] N. Aslani Amoli and S.Jadid, Loss Allocation By Optimal And Proportional Tracing Methods, 16th  Power Engineering Conference, Tehran, May 2008.

[60] S. Nouri and S.Jadid, Loss Allocation With Considering Transmission Lines Constraints, 4th International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems of Power Engineering, Pitesti, Romania, 4-6 September 2008.

[61] H. Atighechi, S. Jadid and A. Shoulaie, Market Power in Voltage and Reactive Power Market, 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2008), Italy, September 2008.

[62] V. Zamani Farahani and S.Jadid, Assessment of Restructured Power Systems Security Using Contingency Sensitivity Index, Proceeding of the 40th North American Power Symposium, Calgary, Canada, 28-30 September 2008.

[63] V. Vahidinasab and S.Jadid, Normal Boundary Intersection Method for Multiobjective Environmental/Economic Load Dispatch, Proceeding of the 40th North American Power Symposium, Calgary, Canada, 28-30 September 2008.

[64] S. Nouri and S.Jadid, Comparison of Loss Allocation Methods Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceeding of the 40th North American Power Symposium, Calgary, Canada, 28-30 September 2008.

[65] A. Zangeneh, S.Jadid and A.Rahimi-Kian, Clean technologies developments based on a grant function in distributed generation planning, Proceeding of the 40th North American Power Symposium, Calgary, Canada, 28-30 September 2008.

[66] Nahid Aslani Amoli and S. Jadid, Allocation of Loss Cost by Optimal and Proportional Tracing Methods, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 08), Malaysia, 1-3 December, 2008.

[67] S. Nouri and S. Jadid, Transmission Network Loss Allocation Via Equivalent Bilateral Exchanges Principle and Genetic Algorithm, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 08), Malaysia, 1-3 December, 2008.

[68] A. Zangeneh, S.Jadid and A.Rahimi-Kian, Risk Exposure of Distributed Generation Planning by Using ANN, Proceedings of the 17th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2009), Tehran, 12-14 May, 2009.

[69] N. Neyestani and S.Jadid, Requirements for Simultaneous Participation of Distributed Generation and Interruptible Loads in Power Market, 19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC’09), Adelaide - Australia, 27-30 September, 2009.

[70] A. Zakariazadeh and S.Jadid, Optimum Simultaneous Clearing of Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets With Stochastic Security, 19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC’09), Adelaide - Australia, 27-30 September, 2009.

[71] V.Vahidinasab and S.Jadid, On the Stochastic Self-Scheduling of a Power Producer in Simultaneous/Aggregated Energy and Reserve Markets, 19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC’09), Adelaide - Australia, 27-30 September, 2009.

[72] B. Alizadeh and S.Jadid, An Incomplete Information Bidding Method for Suppliers in Electricity Markets, International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (AsiaPES 2009), Beijing, China, Oct. 2009.

[73] A. Zakariazadeh and S.Jadid, Effects of Interruptible Load Participation in Reserve markets Using Stochastic and deterministic Security Analysis, 24th International Power System Conference (PSC 2009), Tehran, November 2009.

[74] S. Dehghan, A. Kazemi and S.Jadid, A Composite Generation and Transmission Planning Pinpointing the Optimal Location of Candidate Generating Unit, 24th International Power System Conference (PSC 2009), Tehran, November 2009.

[75] N. Aslani Amoli and S.Jadid, Allocation of Transmission Service Charge by Optimal and Proportional Tracing Methods, The International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, American University of Sharjah, UAE, November 2009.

[76] A. Zakariazadeh and S.Jadid, Interruptible Load Participation as Operating Reserve in Joint Energy and Spinning Reserve markets Using Stochastic Analysis, International Conference: Electrical Energy and Industrial Electronic Systems (EEIES 2009), Penang, Malaysia, 7-8 December, 2009.

[77] A. Zangeneh, S.Jadid and A.Rahimi-Kian, Strategic Policy Making for Prioritizing of Distributed Generation Technologies in Iran, Alternative Energy Applications, Kuwait, 2009.

[78] A. Zangeneh, S.Jadid and A.Rahimi-Kian, Economic quantification of distributed generation benefits in power quality enhancement of distribution network, Alternative Energy Applications, Kuwait, 2009.

[79] N. Neyestani and S.Jadid, Optimizing Disco’s Energy Purchasing Model with Distributed Generation and Interruptible Loads by means of Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Electrical and Energy Systems (ICEES 2010), Singapore, 26-28 February, 2010.

[80] H. Saboori, S. Dehghan and S.Jadid, Evaluation of Energy Storage Technologies and Applications Pinpointing Renewable Energy Resource Intermittency Removal, The First Iranian Conference on Renewable Energies and Distributed Generation (ICREDG 2010), Birjand, 9-11 March, 2010.

[81] A. Zakariazadeh, L. Alinezhad and S.Jadid, Optimum Simultaneous Clearing of Energy and Spinning Reserve Markets With High Penetration Of Wind Power, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference ( APPEEC 2010), Chengdu, China, 28-31 March, 2010.

[82] H. Saboori and S.Jadid, Economic Assessment Methods for Transmission Network Expansion Planning in Competitive Environments, Proceedings of the 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010), Esfehan, 12-14 May, 2010.

[83] H. Saboori, S. Dehghan and S.Jadid, DCOPF – Based LMP Calculation Considering Line Reactive Flows, Proceedings of the 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010), Esfehan, 12-14 May, 2010.

[84] S. Dehghan, H. Saboori, A. Kazemi and S.Jadid, Transmission Network Expansion Planning Using a DEA – Based Benders Decomposition, Proceedings of the 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010), Esfehan, 12-14 May, 2010.

[85] M. Tourandaz Kenari and S.Jadid, Optimal Power Flow Considering System Security Using Loading Factor, 9th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Prague, Czech Republic, 16-19 May 2010.

[86] M. A. Khorsand, A. Zakariazadeh and S.Jadid, Stochastic Wind-thermal Generation scheduling Considering Emission Reduction: A Multiobjective Mathematical Programming Approach, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2011), Wuhan, China, March 25-28, 2011.

8- Books:


9- Professional Activities:


10- Academic Positions :

2010-present, Professor
2005-present, Head of Center of Excellence for Power System Automation and Operation
2004-2006, Member of Strategic Demand Management Study Group - IEEE, Iran
2000-2010, Associate Professor
1993-2000, Assistant Professor

11- Postgraduate Projects:

 Ph.D. Projects: 12

 Master's Projects: 80

Bachelor's Projects: 20 

12- Honors, Recognition and Outstanding Achievements for Teaching and Research:

1999-present, Head of Green Research Center at IUST
2003-2005, Head of University-Industry Liaison office at IUST
2005-2009, General Secretary of Iran Energy Association
1996-1998, Referee of Book Proposal or Manuscripts at IUST

13- Research Labs:

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